Jackie’s Magic Eggs – Expansion

Jackie held the syringe of yellow-brown poison up to the always-buzzing fluorescent lights in the secret laboratory, examining it carefully, and thought about what to do next.  What they did to the animals in the lab was a crime against nature, she thought, reasoning that her long years of study at the University’s School of …

Content Repurposing – Blog to Twitter

I wrote a blog post titled Why Do We Pollute The Earth? Below, I am repurposing the content of the post for Twitter. This took quite a bit of editing to reduce the length and increase the focus.    WHY DON’T WE ACT AND SAVE THE PLANET? We have heat waves, flooding from rising seas. …

Jackie and the Magic Eggs

Jackie held the syringe of yellow-brown poison up to the always-buzzing fluorescent lights in the secret laboratory, examining it carefully, and  thought about what she would do next.  What they did to these animals here was a crime against nature, she thought, reasoning that her long years of study at the University’s School of MicroBiology …

Why Do We Pollute The Earth?

Global Warming.  Extreme Heat Waves.  Rising Seas. Every week we hear about the consequences of our actions and ongoing inaction. Why don’t we act and save the Planet? Here are some answers to “Why do we pollute the Earth?”; with examples a 6 year old can understand. Difficulty. Harder to clean up. It takes more …